Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dandelions Fear Me!

[A note to my gentle readers: This post was drafted in April 2011 but my feelings are the same. After a lengthy absence I would like to resume my writing practice, so welcome back everyone!]
Ah, Spring...when a quilter's thoughts turn to her garden...

The first sign of Spring in my house is the arrival of the Burpee Seed Catalog [www.Burpee.com].  They are a local company with a long history of providing wonderful seeds and plants to agricultural giants [like my wonderful father-in-law who feeds his family all year from what he grows] and to amateur dirt scratchers [like myself  ;) ].

Sometimes I think I garden because I like to have an excuse to be outside listening to the birds singing!

After 7 years now of planting, my small garden is starting to really shine.  I love seeing the perennials reappear, it's like meeting friends who have been away for a while,  or like emotional encouragement that the cold seasons do end and life goes on...  And when the bulbs start multiplying, like my own family grown now from 2 to 3, I like to think they are happy and thriving here outside our home as we people are inside it.

I love all the different colors and shapes and scents and sizes - A long time ago, in another home, before meeting that sweet fellow who would become my Dear Husband, I wanted an all white garden.  All different flowers, but all white.  A symbol perhaps, of the pale shroud of my life at that time?  An attempt to control my environment when I couldn't control much else?  Maybe...but now the entire rainbow is invited to the garden party and it's so beautiful [even if I have a harder time narrowing down my catalog choices!]

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